God provides for His purpose and not our plans.

I have seen good people with good intentions struggle to accomplish what they started. And I have always wondered why God does not provide the needed resources. I have seen people who have big dreams of building a church or running a program to help the poor, needy and less- privileged struggle to complete their projects. I have seen others struggle with personal plans. They struggle to start, progress or even to complete.

By investing time in the word of God, I have since learned that our God is a Perfect God and a God of purpose. He provides for all of our purposes but He is not accountable for all our plans. Most of the time, we forget what our purpose is and concentrate on doing what we want to do or what we know to be the right to do. So many times we do not ask ourselves if we have been purposefully created to pioneer certain tasks,  if we are just meant to be actively involved or if we are not to partake in any way. The first step should always be asking God for His opinion in everything we pursue.

Understanding Purpose

When the Lord has confirmed that we have a role to play, we also need to know the right time to work on that task.  And as we work on it, let us always remember that we were created for that purpose.

God has a purpose for each and every one of us. Knowing your purpose will help you focus on what you need to do and it will guide you on which direction to follow. It will transform you from being a person who chases a million dreams to a person who walks in the right direction, ensuring every step counts towards fulfilling your purpose.

Purpose is the original intent in the mind of any creator. Purpose is what motivated God to create mankind. This means you are here on this earth for a purpose.  Before God created you, He had a need for you. For that reason, He created you as you are. You are not here by chance. Neither are you here by accident. You are not here just because! You are here to fulfill that specific purpose that drove God to spend His quality time creating a special person like YOU. So pursue your purpose and you will learn how fulfilling life can be. 

You’re perfect for your purpose

You are designed for a purpose and you’re perfect for that purpose. Many of us desire to be like others. Sometimes we desire to be like the people whom we look up to, to such an extent that we want to be like them. And that is not right! We are to learn as much as we can from others, but never try to be like them. God created each and every one of us for a unique and special purpose. 

I love how God repeatedly teaches us these concepts in the various stories in the Bible. A good example is the story of Moses. When God called Moses to go deliver the children of Israel, he felt unfit for the task as he was a stammerer, but God Almighty insisted on him taking the task. God chose Aaron to help Moses with communicating but not with being the leader in delivering the Israelites. 

God had created him as a leader and deliverer in the first place. Even before Moses started using the special natural skills, talent and abilities he was born with to deliver the children of Israel, he delivered the Hebrew who was being beaten by an Egyptian. When he saw two Hebrews fighting, the “deliverer in him” wanted to set free the Hebrew who was being attacked. Moses was born with the instinct to set people free. God had already created him for that purpose. 

 When Moses wanted God to change his purpose, He did not give in. When Abraham asked God to bless Ishmael and make him the promised son, God did not give in. Isaac was to remain the promised son. When  King David wanted to build a temple for the LORD, He did not give in. Despite their intimate relationship, God still chose  King Solomon to fulfill that task. God does not change the purpose of a man. He can change your name Abram to Abraham, or Saul to Paul but your purpose remains.

Today I want to encourage you to seek the voice of God concerning His purpose for your life. Once you know it, pursue it with everything that is in you. Remember, you will be judged- not according to what you accomplished in this world but according to what you accomplished in regards to the purpose that He has for your life.

Book Recommendation

To learn more about understanding your God Given purpose please read ‘The pursuit of purpose’  by Myles Munroe.  It is a very good book that will give you in-depth knowledge on living a purposeful life. 

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Mai Tayana Mukwee
Mai Tayana Mukwee
6 years ago

I am glad I took the time to read this. It reminded me to shift my focus. God always speaks!