You are perfect for your purpose!

You are designed for a purpose and you’re perfect for that purpose. God created each and every one of us for a unique and special purpose. He has a distinct plan and purpose for your life. And that purpose has to be fulfilled by you. You might admire your Pastor, prophet, mentor, parent or whoever it is you look up to. But before you get carried away in trying to be like them, remember your purpose is unique. And you are perfect for it

How to handle Difficult People

At some point in our lives we all get to deal with difficult people. This might be in school, at work, in our neighbourhoods, in church or even in our own families. No one likes difficult people and often times, we  dread being around them. The unfortunate part is, difficult people exist and they are surely not going anywhere! In Read more…

Three ways to love others

Have you ever been disappointed by another Christian? Maybe it was someone in church or your Christian community? Maybe you were not disappointed but   you have so many questions concerning the behavior of your fellow church members, Christian community or even your own pastors? I have been disappointed and I believe I have also unintentionally hurt some people along the Read more…

Rejoice with me

It’s a beautiful day here in Ohio. The sun is shining and  I can hear birds singing beautiful songs . The sky is so clear and it looks incredibly beautiful.  It is a very different day from the other ones we had in the past 3 months. We were so used to piling on sweaters and if feels so good Read more…