God is a very loving father. He communicates His love for us through various ways. One of those ways is the Bible. The Bible is a collection of love letters and the entire theme of  these love letters is the revelation of God’s love for humankind.

This month our love lessons come from the minor prophets – mainly Jonah, Joel, Amos and Hosea. In this week’s  lesson, I share with you the nature of Gods’ love as we learn it from the book of Jonah.

10 Love Lessons for you and Jonah.

Love Lesson #1

My child you can’t outsmart me. I will send you to do things that your flesh might fight, but I want you to always remember that you can’t  think better than me. In your human mind, you might think running away in the opposite direction is the solution. Bear in mind, I can command the winds to bring a storm and the fish to swallow you up. So when I send you on a godly mission, trust in my plan and never try to outsmart me. I am God.

Love Lesson #2

My child you  cannot hide from me. My eye sees it all. It does not pay to run away from Nineveh (my perfect will for your life)  to Tarshish (your personal plan/ desires). I can see you even as you depart to Tarshish. If I save you and bring you back , it is because of my mercy, not because I have found you. There’s never a time you can hide from me. My eye sees it all. I am God.

Love Lesson #3

You might be imperfect but I still love you. Every time I ask you to do something, I know that through me  you’re capable of completing it. Do not let fear or imperfections get in your way. Always remember, I use the imperfect to complete my perfect plans. I do not wait for you to be perfect, I perfect you along the way.


Love Lesson #4

When I send you to uncomfortable places, it’s not that I do not care for you. I do!(Jonah was sent to preach a message of repentance to his enemies) Do not let your pride, ego, fear or any natural circumstances stop you from bringing glory to my Kingdom. Even in those situations, I am sharpening you as well. Endure until the end and you will see your blessing. (Remember – on this journey Jonah had to learn one of the two most important commandments- i.e. love your enemy! Read Jonah 4 for more details on how God taught him this very important command)

Love Lesson #5

In you I have deposited so much. The lives of 120,000 people and animals were saved only through one man- Jonah. You are your own Jonah, with a purpose and a mission.  In you is the power to deliver , save, redeem, protect and love others. Never look down upon yourself. I will save lives through you!

Love Lesson #6

I am a merciful God. I am merciful towards you (Jonah prayed in the belly of the fish and you have prayed and cried to me in similar situations). So when I see you make mistakes I do not give up easily on you. When I hear you cry in the midst of the mess that you created for yourself , I do not ignore you. I love you!!!

Love Lesson #7

LEARN THIS FROM ME MY CHILD -When I show mercy to others, I want you to rejoice with them. Do not look at people’s past after I have redeemed them, they are a new creation in me. I love you as if you are my one and only child, and it is the same love that I also  give to ALL my children. My expectation is for you to rejoice when others receive mercy.

Love Lesson #8

You might be good before men and much better than those who sin openly . But you still have blemishes in you that you are not even aware of.  (Jonah carried out the whole mission – 3 days of walking and preaching in the scorching sun after God had showed mercy to him.He was a prophet of God who could hear directly from God and execute God’ mission while Ninevites sinned openly) I need to perfect you. Let me perfect you when there’s still time.

Love Lesson #9

There are  things and people that I bring into your life for a season,  like the leafy plant that I brought to Jonah to give him shade. Do not get too attached to them and lose focus. When I take them , It’s not that I do not care for you anymore. Their purpose is accomplished. And  I have a lesson for you. Do not be angry with me but be open to the lessons I have for you.  Look at me and I will teach.


Love Lesson #10

Hold on to loving me and loving my people and you will never go wrong. I love you all and even though you might be enemies, to me you’re all my dear children.


Below are the links to all our posts on the Love series based on the book of Jonah. Enjoy!

Love lessons from The book of Jonah – Part 1

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