You have probably heard the phrase “God loves you” countless times. And today, it does not strike you in any way when you hear the phrase again. So why would you read another article that tells you that God loves you, when you already know He does? If you are not a believer, why would you read another post on God’s love when you do not believe He loves you at all?
Well, the reasons are plenty! Allow me to give you two main reasons why you should go through this series. Firstly, knowing that you are loved is totally is different from knowing how much you are loved. In a world where love controls the majority of the decisions we make, it is inevitable to seek the truth; Not half the truth, but the full truth. For that reason, the time invested in knowing who you really are in God’s sight and how much you are loved is not time wasted.
Secondly, for the longest time in my life, I could not see how I am related and connected to every word that is in the Bible. I could not see my worth thrugh the bible stories , neither could easily realize my true identity through the Bible stories or scriptures. Because at some point I struggled with this, I have created this series, to help everyone see God’s love in a different light. This series is a collection of simplified love lessons and letters as it is taught in the Bible. It is my great desire to hear you say, “Now I truly know, God loves me“. I look forward to seeing thousand and millions of people testify and without any doubt proclaim, “He surely loves me”
Here is the series on God’s Love. I will be updating these links and posts as the Holy Spirit guides me and gives me more revelation. Enjoy them and feel free to contact with any questions or comments.
He Loves YOU
God’s love for you and me expressed through the story of Adam & Eve
Love lessons from The book of Jonah – Part 1
I want you to know that I love you – Jonah Part 2
Lessons from the book of Jonah Part 3
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